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Two-Tab Policy

For long, I used to have so many windows open on my Chrome browser that I was unable to shut down my laptop at night, sometimes, for months on end. But why should that matter? It matters because when there are a zillion windows open, they tempt and...

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In a marketing class, our business school professor once told us – "The world doesn’t owe you anything just because you went to Wharton." This is...

Keep Learning

A few years ago, in a South Bombay office complex, I saw a notice on a door – “Salesmen and interns not allowed.” It left me wondering, why are we...

A Good Leader

When I was in the police force, the best leaders I worked with had one common quality – they were not bossy at all. Usually, when we think of ‘good...

Nobody is Born Wise

During my days as a consultant, I often found the first few days of a client engagement mortifying. In the initial meetings, the clients would...

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Take charge of your life

A video game maker would love it if you spend 12 hrs a day playing their game. A social media company would love it if you check their app every five minutes. They don't care if you are miserable. They don't care if your mental health is failing....

Professional success

During our college placement season, many of us were fixated on the salaries. If a company offered even Rs 2,000 more, it felt infinitely more attractive. But looking back, the initial salary had practically zero correlation with how well people...

The secret to building a good life

When I was working with a private equity firm, in the middle of our office was a gigantic TV screen that could raise your anxiety within a minute. This TV was always tuned to CNBC, which would constantly stream the latest market news and the Sensex...

Fix your future

The past is a prison, but its door is unlocked. Then why don't we just walk out? Because our mind wants to renegotiate the past and make it better. We know it is pointless but our mind still can't resist it. So is there an escape from this prison?...

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