rajan singh

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Rajan shares insights from his own life journey to help you build better habits in yours.

Past Newsletters


The one tip you need for success without pain

Around 2012, I was running a startup called CourseBrew. One late evening, sitting in a coffee shop with my friend Vivek, I explained to him all the different parts of the online learning platform I was building – it was a laundry list of 10-15 different things. He...

You Should Avoid This Mistake That Nearly Bankrupted Me

The Beginning of My Entrepreneurial Journey In 2012, when I quit my last job to become an entrepreneur, I didn’t know exactly what I would do except for a vague notion that it would be something in education.  But as soon as I launched my startup, the clock started...

What is the path to career and financial success?

A. THE MYSTERY OF EFFORTLESS SUCCESS In my college days, the people that really annoyed me were the all-India top rankers. These guys beat us by a mile in the entrance exam, even though we tried so hard. But there was one consolation – they surely slogged 18 hours a...

The secret that will help you crush the hardest tasks

The Shockley Story: A Lesson in Focus William Shockley was on his way to winning the Nobel Prize. But he nearly lost it. And here is why you should care. Shockley, along with two fellow scientists, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, were working on inventing the...

You won’t believe why >50% people are unproductive

A. WHAT HAPPENED More than 500 people applied for a pilot we recently launched for our upcoming program called “Zen Productivity.” And in the application, we asked this question: “Please describe the obstacles that come in the way of your productivity.” And do you...


You can’t be 50% disciplined: A story of how to change your life

When General Norman Schwarzkopf led the US Army's invasion of Iraq in 2003, you would imagine that he would be talking about tanks, planes, tactics, and battle plans.  Instead, he said, 'Shined shoes save lives.'  Is it not weird? A guy whose job is to defeat Saddam...

The sure shot path to long-term goals – make everything a process

Over the last 4 years, I have written about 2,000 pieces on LinkedIn and Quora. And while writing may not be your thing, over your lifetime, you will surely have big goals that will require a multi-year effort.  So how does one maintain years of consistency?  Let me...

How the ‘complexity bias’ is sabotaging us

Many years ago, I got intrigued by the US Navy SEALs, who go through arguably the world's most grueling military training. It includes, among other things, an infamous ‘hell week,’ where for five-and-a-half days, the trainees go through a non-stop physical grind with...

Be insanely successful without working insane hours – here is how

Conventional wisdom states that, as an entrepreneur, I should be slogging 12-16 hrs a day. Yet, on any given day, I never exceed 4-5 hrs of real work. Of course, I work beyond that as well – e.g., on administrative work, emails, etc. But I don’t do long hours or late...

How to prevent time theft?

I have practically no memory of what happened yesterday morning. No, I wasn’t drunk or unconscious. But yesterday’s forenoon was a blur. All I remember is writing a post on LinkedIn. Then I checked emails and soon got sucked into a bunch of small tasks. One thing led...

Case study: How Apoorba changed his life, not once, but twice

On Feb 22, 2021, I got an email from Apoorba, a participant from our digital detox program Undistractable (it was then called ‘Reboot’). Apoorba was in the middle of a career crisis. His sales team was shrinking and the sales numbers were crashing. Covid had made it...

To quit or not – when and why should you quit

LinkedIn is ablaze with posts that tell you, “Never quit.” But probably the biggest mistake I have made as an entrepreneur is not quitting when I should have. Let me share this story which started in 2012 when I quit my job and launched CourseBrew, my first startup. I...

The secret of an incredible life – daily maintenance

A 101-year-old changed my plan for today’s newsletter. I was planning to write about something else until a week ago when I came upon the curious case of retired Navy commander V. Sriramulu. At 101, Commander Sriramulu walks and runs 18 kilometers. He has won many...

Should you be kind to yourself or be strict and self-disciplined?

The internet is splattered with two life philosophies. Philosophy 1 This philosophy says ‘Discipline equals freedom.’ So toughen up your mind, show up every day, and be relentless. Don’t allow your feelings to mess with your actions. You don’t need motivation, you...


How to actually make 2023 different (and better)

First of all: Wish you a wonderful new year! While I may not be able to talk to you personally, I say this with all my heart: May 2023 be truly special for you. May you find success and peace. May this be the year of joy for you. 2023 can indeed be a special year. But...

How to stop making ourselves unhappy by comparing with others

Human beings are unhappy not because they have less but because someone else has more. Who has never felt envious or jealous of others? We all have. Comparing ourselves with others is a recipe for unhappiness. Yet, we can’t stop our mind from going down that path. How...

Is there a happiness ATM?

What makes us happy? This question is both trivially simple and impossibly hard. For centuries, philosophers have speculated about this but thankfully, we don’t have to anymore – research has thrown up some really specific answers in the past 50 years. But first, let...

How to cut out junk from your life

We are swimming in junk – be it the greasy food from Swiggy, mindless scrolling on the phone, or binge-watching Netflix.  And it is not even that we enjoy it. I haven’t seen anyone who says, “Yay! I spent 6 hrs scrolling on Instagram.” No, they hate their life. But...

How to make each day delightful

Today morning, I woke up feeling a slightly toxic mix of sickness, low mood, and light anxiety. I guess, my Covid recovery is slower than I expected. Even the morning meditation didn’t help much – my mind was too fragmented. So I went for a walk. But instead of just...

How To Be Free

Rousseau said, “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” In this newsletter, I want to talk not about socio-political freedom, but something deeper – the freedom to choose how we live. Today, you live carrying a heavy burden. So do I. This burden is the...

How to deepen your meditation practice?

I recently read ‘The Attention Revolution,’ a book by Alan Wallace, in which he guides you through 10 stages of tranquility meditation leading to such mastery that you meditate for up to 4 hrs, with practically zero distractions. Even if we can reach the first 3 or 4...

Should we seek work-life balance?

This question is controversial – hence worth talking about. Let us start by dissecting it further. When we talk about balancing work and life, we assume that they are in conflict – that one of them comes at the cost of the other. And somehow, we need to find that...

How to become insanely good at anything

The solution might sound straightforward: Practice, practice, and more practice. But not so fast. It does not work that way. To convince you, let me share a personal experience. My daughter started playing the violin in 5th grade. When kids start practicing, what...

How to break out of a rut

I don’t know if you have ever been in a rut but I have. There was this one particular year in school, which I totally whiled away without studying. It was not that I was caught up in some bad habits or delinquent behavior, but somehow, I could just not break my...


I lost crores in my previous startup – lessons from my failure

What happened to me In 2012, when I quit my plush job with a billion-dollar private equity fund to do a startup, I was in a mad rush. And ironically, that rush to succeed is what cost me crores of rupees and a painful failure. To save a ton of grief and help launch...

How to do the right thing EVEN when you’re demotivated

What happened to me I love running. But I also hate running. Let me explain. Once I am done with a long run, it is pure bliss. Running is my drug (in a really good, positive way). And yet, incredibly, my mind sometimes resists getting started with the run. This...

The little compromises that kills us

What happened to me It was 31st October, 1998 at 1:30 pm. The passing out parade of our IPS batch at the National Police Academy had just gotten over. In the IPS Mess, we were celebrating the completion of our training. Yay! I was now a real IPS officer — not a...