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Today, the access we have to stellar books, podcasts, videos, and blogs is mind-boggling. And yet, if we are not careful, it can quickly become a feel-good swamp. Most of the content we consume is about building a better life -- e.g., building...

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Prioritizing learning

At Wharton, in Prof Jeremey Siegel’s class, we had no place to sit for the first 10 minutes since people would crowd for his ‘daily market updates’....

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Overcoming intimidation and the power of learning

It was day 1 of Prof. Robert Verrecchia’s class at Wharton. As I gingerly entered and took a seat at the back, I saw the intimidating crowd of my ex-banker classmates around me -- this was an advanced accounting course and as an ex-cop, I could...

The benefits of a consistent morning routine

When I quit my job to become an entrepreneur, I was thrilled: No more office timings, no need to dread Monday mornings -- I would finally be ‘free.’ I could do whatever I wanted, whenever. Every day was Sunday -- if I chose to! Soon, I was working...

Umbrella for stress

Early morning today, when I woke up, my head was buzzing with anxiety. It happens often but I was not too worried -- I knew what to do next. Within 10 minutes of commencing my meditation, I could suddenly sense my mind calming down -- it felt like...

Unlocking happiness with gratitude

In sixth grade, I started wearing glasses, and then began my nightmare. While playing, I would get sweaty and the glasses would keep slipping and falling, occasionally cracking the lens. Also, I would keep crushing and twisting them inadvertently...

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