Rewrite the story

In 2004, I realized that my life-story was going wrong.

I had joined the Indian Police Service expecting massive challenge and excitement. And the first five years delivered exactly that — it was like a dream, despite the ups and downs.

Yet, after that, something changed. It did not feel as intellectually exciting as it once did. With each passing month, I felt even more restless.

I had another three decades of service left, and I did not want my story to be: “He served for 35 years because for the last 30, he was too scared to quit.”

That could not be.

But the job had its pull. It practically guaranteed that you would one day head a large police, paramilitary, or intelligence organization — practically, heading a medium-sized army. The job security, reputation, etc. were off the charts.

The job was great but the problem was that I wanted something else — I wanted to explore and learn new things, not just rinse and repeat.

That is why I changed the story. I quit to do other things and eventually became an entrepreneur, launching HabitStrong.

You are the author of your own life story. And if you don’t like it, you can change it. You can make it anything you want if you will take full responsibility for it.

Don’t get caught up in what other people think — this story has no co-authors. Nor is community contribution possible — your uncles, aunts, and neighbors have no role here.

So take charge and write a story that will one day make you proud. What else is life for?

– Rajan

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