You vs You

I write almost every day, except on Sundays. Some days, the writing flows effortlessly, like water. Ideas just snap-fit into words. Other days, it is like you are dragging a dead body.

And yet, the key is to accept both experiences with equanimity.

If you are able to push towards your goals only on good days, you are hostage to your moods, which someone can spoil in just five seconds. If so, are you truly free?

Then how do you push through on bad days? How do you reclaim your freedom?

For that, you have to find your internal reward system.

When you do something worthwhile, value your self-satisfaction over external praise. Value your grit over the relief of quitting. Value your commitment to yourself no less than an externally imposed deadline.

External rewards and accomplishments certainly help but gradually, we have to wean ourselves away from them. Your internal reward has to be your Olympic gold.

Life is a struggle between you and you — that is what it has always been, and will always be.

– Rajan

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