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The Biggest Reward

In Dec 2014, I got an award that I didn’t quite deserve. That year, the TiE Kerala chapter gave me their annual ‘Startup Entrepreneur of the Year Award’ for outstanding contribution to entrepreneurship. To be honest, I had made no such contribution...

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If you keep hearing that startup life is about non-stop hustle and working 16 hours a day, rarely sleeping before 2 am, let me assure you – that is...

Lessons from Policing

One fine morning in 2001, when I was heading the Trivandrum City Police, students from a particular political union in Trivandrum’s University...

Acknowledge your mistakes

During my stint with a private equity firm, we lost hundreds of millions of dollars because of a simple reason: We could not accept the truth when...

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Recipe for simplifying life

Over the years, I have discovered this recipe for simplifying life and getting rid of melodrama. Allow me to share it: 1. Don't chase goals at the cost of 'peace of mind.' 2. Your health comes first – mental and physical. Everything else comes...

Living without regrets

After serving a few years in the Indian Police Service (IPS), I felt like a (very comfortable) frog in a well, missing out on so many experiences the world has to offer. So instead of living with regret, I quit IPS. What followed was a long...


I would attribute half of my struggles and disappointments in my startup journey to just one factor: "Doing too many things." This may seem weird – aren’t you supposed to do a lot of things in a startup? No, no, no. Don’t do that, please. And this...

Focused Work

Last Friday, I figured that 24 hrs was not enough for me – there was way too much to do. So I ran this experiment: 1. I picked a priority task (something I absolutely had to get done). 2. I told myself, ‘Let everything else wait – let me just do...

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